Person API¶
This document describes the API operations for a person. A person is basically a user account in Onegini IDP. Some of the operations should typically be used by a helpdesk or a CRM application.
Version information¶
Version : 1.0.0
Check if user exists in idp or extension¶
POST /api/migration/status
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string |
Body | email required |
User search criteria | SearchUserRequestBody |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | A json object with search status | SearchUserResponseBody |
400 | One of required parameters is missing | No Content |
401 | When Basic Auth credentials are missing | No Content |
503 | When migration feature is disabled but person api is enabled | No Content |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"email" : ""
Example HTTP response¶
Response 200¶
"status" : "string",
"person_id" : "2091f05b-2177-3ec8-8e1b-fdddbd5dc523"
Create a person¶
POST /api/persons
Creates person with given details. If person activation is enabled, person is not activated
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string |
Body | Profile required |
Person's to create profile. | Profile |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 | Person created successully | Person |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
409 | Email address conflict | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"gender" : "M",
"name" : {
"first_name" : "John William",
"last_name" : "Doe",
"initials" : "J.W.D",
"display_name" : "Mr John W. Doe, Msc."
"date_of_birth" : "1995-05-24",
"email_addresses" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : false,
"value" : ""
} ],
"phone_numbers" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : true,
"value" : "+31 654 321 098"
} ],
"addresses" : [ {
"house_number" : 9,
"house_number_addition" : "2nd floor, 101",
"street_name" : "Main street",
"city" : "Woerden",
"postal_code" : "1000 AA, 12345-6789",
"region" : "Utrecht",
"country_code" : "NL",
"company_name" : "Onegini",
"attentation" : "John Doe",
"primary" : true
} ],
"custom_attributes" : [ {
"name" : "myCRM",
"value" : "ABC123456"
} ],
"preferred_locale" : "en_US",
"identity_assurance_level" : {
"value" : 1,
"source" : "string",
"last_update_time" : 1409145074367,
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
Example HTTP response¶
Response 201¶
"reference_id" : "08f831ab-a22f-4159-a851-15eec46c3717"
Response 400¶
"Missing field" : {
"error_code" : 1002,
"error_message" : "One or more required fields is missing"
"Invalid email address" : {
"error_code" : 1018,
"error_message" : "Email address is empty or has an invalid format"
"Invalid redirect uri" : {
"error_code" : 1050,
"error_message" : "Redirect uri parameter is not whitelisted or invalid"
"Person creation blocked" : {
"error_code" : 1057,
"error_message" : "Person creation interrupted"
"Illegal characters in name" : {
"error_code" : 1073,
"error_message" : "The person name contains illegal characters"
"Mobile number invalid" : {
"error_code" : 1074,
"error_message" : "The person's mobile number is not valid. Error is returned only if 'Mobile number validation for back-end services enabled' is enabled."
Response 409¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1003,
"error_message" : "Email address already in use"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "Registration via the API is currently not available"
Create signed-up person¶
POST /api/persons/activated
Endpoint allows to create a new signed-up user and automatically couple his identities. If person activation is enabled, the newly created person will be already activated. In case activated user is created without any identity and without password, then this user can only sign in using Action Token Login feature.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string |
Body | Body required |
The body includes JSON object that is composed from Profile, list of identities and EncryptedPassword objects as defined in the Onegini Java SDK. The mechanism to encrypt the password is described in the documentation in the Password Encryption chapter. The table below denotes the required fields | Body |
Name | Description | Schema |
encrypted_password optional |
Example : "object" |
encrypted_password |
identities optional |
Example : [ "[identityitem](#identityitem)" ] |
< IdentityItem > array |
profile optional |
Example : "[profile](#profile)" |
Profile |
Name | Description | Schema |
encryption_parameter required |
Initialization vector used by encryption algorithm Example : "BVLdWx//evkFUt1bH/96+Q==" |
string |
new_password required |
New user password [encrypted] Example : "o/MCR6uS/RAmOse1+3ngU6gjf/+r8h4xWw==" |
string |
password required |
Current user password [encrypted] Example : "o/MCR6uS/RAmOse1+3ngU6gjf/+r8h4xWw==" |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 | Person was successfully created and signed up | Person |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
409 | Conflict | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"encrypted_password" : "object",
"profile" : {
"gender" : "M",
"name" : {
"first_name" : "John William",
"last_name" : "Doe",
"initials" : "J.W.D",
"display_name" : "Mr John W. Doe, Msc."
"date_of_birth" : "1995-05-24",
"email_addresses" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : false,
"value" : ""
} ],
"phone_numbers" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : true,
"tag" : "MOBILE",
"value" : "+31 654 321 098"
} ],
"addresses" : [ {
"house_number" : 9,
"house_number_addition" : "2nd floor, 101",
"street_name" : "Main street",
"city" : "Woerden",
"postal_code" : "1000 AA, 12345-6789",
"region" : "Utrecht",
"country_code" : "NL",
"company_name" : "Onegini",
"attentation" : "John Doe",
"primary" : true
} ],
"custom_attributes" : [ {
"name" : "myCRM",
"value" : "ABC123456"
} ],
"preferred_locale" : "en_US",
"identity_assurance_level" : {
"value" : 1,
"source" : "string",
"last_update_time" : 1409145074367,
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
"identities" : [ {
"idp_type" : "kerberos",
"external_person_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
} ]
Example HTTP response¶
Response 201¶
"reference_id" : "08f831ab-a22f-4159-a851-15eec46c3717"
Response 400¶
"Parameter missing" : {
"error_code" : 1002,
"error_message" : "One or more required fields is missing"
"Provided identity is already coupled" : {
"error_code" : 1052,
"error_message" : "Provided external person's identity is already coupled with another account"
"More than one identity provider with given type enabled" : {
"error_code" : 1053,
"error_message" : "More than one identity provider with given type enabled"
"Person creation interrupted" : {
"error_code" : 1057,
"error_message" : "Person creation interrupted"
"Duplicated external identities" : {
"error_code" : 1058,
"error_message" : "External identities duplicated"
"Multiple login actions requested" : {
"error_code" : 1059,
"error_message" : "Request should contain only one login action"
"Password parameter missing" : {
"error_code" : 3001,
"error_message" : "A required body parameter is missing to set the password"
"Invalid encryption" : {
"error_code" : 3002,
"error_message" : "Invalid parameter encryption"
"Digit validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6001,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Digit count rule violation"
"Case validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6002,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Lower case char count rule violation"
"MaxLength validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6003,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Max password length rule violation"
"MinLength validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6004,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Min password length rule violation"
"Char validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6005,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Special char count rule violation"
"Case count validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6006,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Upper case char count rule violation"
"Case breached validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6007,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Breached password rule validation. Given password is found in a data Breach"
"Illegal characters in name" : {
"error_code" : 1073,
"error_message" : "The person name contains illegal characters"
Response 404¶
"Parameter missing" : {
"error_code" : 1020,
"error_message" : "No idp can be found based on the specified information"
Response 409¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1003,
"error_message" : "Email address already in use"
"External idp alreaady linked with another user" : {
"error_code" : 1021,
"error_message" : "External id already linked with given idp"
Response 503¶
"Feature not supported" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The person API used to sign up a person is currently not available"
"UnP IdP disabled" : {
"error_code" : 3010,
"error_message" : "Username password IdP is not enabled"
Fetch multiple persons profiles¶
GET /api/persons/bulk/{person_ids}/profile
Fetching profiles objects for multiple persons is possible by calling /api/persons/bulk/{person_id}/profile endpoint and providing multiple, comma delimited person_id variables within the request path
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | person_ids required |
Comma delimited person_id variables | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Person coupled successully | < Profile > array |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 200¶
[ {
"gender" : "M",
"name" : {
"first_name" : "John William",
"last_name" : "Doe",
"initials" : "J.W.D",
"display_name" : "Mr John W. Doe, Msc."
"date_of_birth" : "1995-05-24",
"email_addresses" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : false,
"value" : ""
} ],
"phone_numbers" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : true,
"value" : "+31 654 321 098"
} ],
"addresses" : [ {
"house_number" : 9,
"house_number_addition" : "2nd floor, 101",
"street_name" : "Main street",
"city" : "Woerden",
"postal_code" : "1000 AA, 12345-6789",
"region" : "Utrecht",
"country_code" : "NL",
"company_name" : "Onegini",
"attentation" : "John Doe",
"primary" : true
} ],
"custom_attributes" : [ {
"name" : "myCRM",
"value" : "ABC123456"
} ],
"preferred_locale" : "en_US",
"identity_assurance_level" : {
"value" : 1,
"source" : "string",
"last_update_time" : 1409145074367,
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
} ]
Response 400¶
"Too many parameters" : {
"error_code" : 1042,
"error_message" : "The request query is limited to 100 persons identifiers"
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 503¶
"Feature not supported" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The registration API used to fetch person information is currently not available"
Complete password reset for a person¶
POST /api/persons/complete-password-reset
The endpoint allows to complete password reset initiated by api or manually from login page or dashboard
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string |
Body | Body required |
Password reset code is sent to the user in Password Reset email message. Code will be sent if user manually trigger password reset or when password reset is triggered by api /api/persons/{person_id}/password-reset The mechanism to encrypt the password is described in the documentation of the Password Encryption | Body |
Name | Description | Schema |
code required |
Example : "813938192371829731892731243645145124328901" |
string |
encryption_parameter required |
Example : "+V7wNOIFDSYo8yhsfdhSAh9asdfDJRsqw==" |
string |
password required |
Example : "+V7wn+NyMG7cVelxIIiJYrUkqJiNDJRsqw==" |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Password updated successully | No Content |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
500 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"code" : "813938192371829731892731243645145124328901",
"password" : "+V7wn+NyMG7cVelxIIiJYrUkqJiNDJRsqw==",
"encryption_parameter" : "+V7wNOIFDSYo8yhsfdhSAh9asdfDJRsqw=="
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Code expired" : {
"error_code" : 1022,
"error_message" : "Password reset code is expired"
"Parameter missing" : {
"error_code" : 3001,
"error_message" : "A required body parameter is missing to set the password"
"Invalid encryption" : {
"error_code" : 3002,
"error_message" : "Invalid parameter encryption"
"Digit validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6001,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Digit count rule violation"
"Case validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6002,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Lower case char count rule violation"
"MaxLength validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6003,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Max password length rule violation"
"MinLength validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6004,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Min password length rule violation"
"Char validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6005,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Special char count rule violation"
"Case count validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6006,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Upper case char count rule violation"
"Case breached validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6007,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Breached password rule validation. Given password is found in a data Breach"
Response 500¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1024,
"error_message" : "Password change failed due the internal application error"
Trigger a password reset using email address¶
POST /api/persons/password-reset
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Body | Body required |
The request body must contain email_address and optionally redirect_url parameter | Body |
Name | Description | Schema |
email_address required |
Example : "" |
string |
redirect_url optional |
Example : "" |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Password reset successully triggered | No Content |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
409 | Password reset not possible | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"redirect_url" : "",
"email_address" : ""
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1002,
"error_message" : "Email address is missing in request body"
"Password reset failed" : {
"error_code" : 1025,
"error_message" : "Password reset failed. Data required for migration may not meet attribute contract related to idp configuration"
Response 409¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1012,
"error_message" : "This person does not have a password"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The support API is currently not available"
Search for persons¶
GET /api/persons/search
Caution : operation.deprecated
The endpoint allows to search for users by: - email address custom attribute - phone number - last modification date
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string | |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string | |
Query | custom_attribute optional |
This will search for all persons with a custom attribute that has the name foo and value bar. Custom attributes are not unique, and therefore multiple persons can be returned. Parameter is required in case searching by custom attribute | string | |
Query | email_address optional |
Email or part of email address to search on. Parameter is required in case searching by email address attribute | string | |
Query | include_fields optional |
Comma delimited list of attributes that should be returned in the result. Possible values: - reference_id - email_addresses |
string | |
Query | last_modified optional |
Unix timestamp used to return attributes that have been changed after specified date. Parameter is required in case searching by last modification date | string | |
Query | limit optional |
Max number of items in the result | integer (int32) | 10 |
Query | offset optional |
Index of the first item in the result | integer (int32) | 0 |
Query | partial_match optional |
By default exact match will be used while searching, which result can contain at most 1 person. Set the partial_match request parameter to true for advanced lookup of a user. Example: /api/persons/search?email_address=johndoe&partial_match=true&offset=0&limit50 This method will first look up the person for the given email_address. If no person is found, it searches for all persons that have an email address that starts with the given email_address. For search term johndoe it returns the users with email addresses or but not This method can return multiple persons in the search result. |
boolean | "false" |
Query | phone_number optional |
Phone number must be normalized according to E.164 standard. Phone number must not contain spaces, dashes and any other additional characters. Phone number must contain country code and must start with + sign decoded for URL into %2. Parameter is required in case searching by phone number | string (E.164) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Search result | SearchResultSet |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 200¶
"resultSet" : [ {
"gender" : "M",
"name" : {
"first_name" : "John William",
"last_name" : "Doe",
"initials" : "J.W.D",
"display_name" : "Mr John W. Doe, Msc."
"date_of_birth" : "1995-05-24",
"email_addresses" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : false,
"value" : ""
} ],
"phone_numbers" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : true,
"value" : "+31 654 321 098"
} ],
"addresses" : [ {
"house_number" : 9,
"house_number_addition" : "2nd floor, 101",
"street_name" : "Main street",
"city" : "Woerden",
"postal_code" : "1000 AA, 12345-6789",
"region" : "Utrecht",
"country_code" : "NL",
"company_name" : "Onegini",
"attentation" : "John Doe",
"primary" : true
} ],
"custom_attributes" : [ {
"name" : "myCRM",
"value" : "ABC123456"
} ],
"preferred_locale" : "en_US",
"identity_assurance_level" : {
"value" : 1,
"source" : "string",
"last_update_time" : 1409145074367,
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
} ],
"pagination" : "object"
Response 400¶
"Invalid request parameters" : {
"error_code" : 2001,
"error_message" : "No or too many request parameters in this request"
"Custom attribute name missing" : {
"error_code" : 2002,
"error_message" : "Name of the custom attribute is missing in request parameter"
"Search term missing" : {
"error_code" : 2003,
"error_message" : "Search term is missing in the request"
Get a person¶
GET /api/persons/{person_id}
Fetches person's details
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | person_id required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Person details fetched successfully | PersonDetails |
404 | Person not found | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 200¶
"person_id" : "08f831ab-a22f-4159-a851-15eec46c3717",
"profile" : {
"gender" : "M",
"name" : {
"first_name" : "John William",
"last_name" : "Doe",
"initials" : "J.W.D",
"display_name" : "Mr John W. Doe, Msc."
"date_of_birth" : "1995-05-24",
"email_addresses" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : false,
"value" : ""
} ],
"phone_numbers" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : true,
"value" : "+31 654 321 098"
} ],
"addresses" : [ {
"house_number" : 9,
"house_number_addition" : "2nd floor, 101",
"street_name" : "Main street",
"city" : "Woerden",
"postal_code" : "1000 AA, 12345-6789",
"region" : "Utrecht",
"country_code" : "NL",
"company_name" : "Onegini",
"attentation" : "John Doe",
"primary" : true
} ],
"custom_attributes" : [ {
"name" : "myCRM",
"value" : "ABC123456"
} ],
"preferred_locale" : "en_US",
"identity_assurance_level" : {
"value" : 1,
"source" : "string",
"last_update_time" : 1409145074367,
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
"events" : [ {
"event_identifier" : "08f831ab-a22f-4159-a851-15eec46c3717",
"person_id" : "08f831ab-a22f-4159-a851-15eec46c3717",
"occurred" : 1409145076543,
"event_type" : "person.PersonCreatedEvent",
"event_name" : "Person Created",
"client_ip" : "",
"user_agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0"
} ],
"creation_date" : 1409145074367,
"status" : "ACTIVATED",
"last_login" : 1409145074369,
"logins" : 25,
"identities" : [ {
"id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345",
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345",
"name" : "Username & Password",
"status" : "ACTIVATED",
"last_login" : 1409145074367,
"coupling_time" : 1499115184236
} ],
"partitionId" : "default",
"identity_assurance_level" : {
"value" : 1,
"source" : "string",
"last_update_time" : 1409145074367,
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
Response 404¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The registration API used to fetch person information is currently not available"
Update a person¶
PUT /api/persons/{person_id}
A person can be updated via its person_id
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | Profile required |
The body of the request contains a profile object with the updated fields. Only fields mentioned in the profile object are updated. When updating email or phone number only the primary is updated. For custom_attributes only the attributes listed in the request will be updated. Deleting custom attributes through this endpoint is not possible. Instead, use the 'Delete custom person attribute' endpoint. The following fields can be updated: - Gender - Name - Date of Birth - Addresses - Preferred Locale - Email addresses (collection) - Phone numbers (collection) - Custom attributes (collection) |
Profile |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Person updated successfully | No Content |
400 | Person not found | ErrorResponse |
404 | Person not found | ErrorResponse |
409 | Email address conflict | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"gender" : "M",
"name" : {
"first_name" : "John William",
"last_name" : "Doe",
"initials" : "J.W.D",
"display_name" : "Mr John W. Doe, Msc."
"date_of_birth" : "1995-05-24",
"email_addresses" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : false,
"value" : ""
} ],
"phone_numbers" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : true,
"value" : "+31 654 321 098"
} ],
"addresses" : [ {
"house_number" : 9,
"house_number_addition" : "2nd floor, 101",
"street_name" : "Main street",
"city" : "Woerden",
"postal_code" : "1000 AA, 12345-6789",
"region" : "Utrecht",
"country_code" : "NL",
"company_name" : "Onegini",
"attentation" : "John Doe",
"primary" : true
} ],
"custom_attributes" : [ {
"name" : "myCRM",
"value" : "ABC123456"
} ],
"preferred_locale" : "en_US",
"identity_assurance_level" : {
"value" : 1,
"source" : "string",
"last_update_time" : 1409145074367,
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Required field missing" : {
"error_code" : 1002,
"error_message" : "One or more required fields is missing"
"Custom attribute too long" : {
"error_code" : 1043,
"error_message" : "Custom attribute's key or value has exceeded max length"
"Cannot delete attribute" : {
"error_code" : 1007,
"error_message" : "Cannot delete requested attribute as tag value does not match or attribute is mandatory"
"Illegal characters in name" : {
"error_code" : 1073,
"error_message" : "The person name contains illegal characters"
"Mobile number invalid" : {
"error_code" : 1074,
"error_message" : "The person's mobile number is not valid. Error is returned only if 'Mobile number validation for back-end services enabled' is enabled."
Response 404¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 409¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1003,
"error_message" : "Email address already in use"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The registration API used to update person information is currently not available"
Delete a person¶
DELETE /api/persons/{person_id}
A person can be deleted via its person_id
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | Reason optional |
Optionally a reason can be specified why the person is deleted. This is done via a json object in the body of the request | Reason |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Person deleted successfully | ErrorResponse |
404 | Person not found | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"reason" : "Reason why person is blocked / deleted"
Example HTTP response¶
Response 204¶
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "Requested feature is currently not available"
Response 404¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The registration API used to delete a person is currently not available"
Gets person's actions¶
GET /api/persons/{person_id}/actions
Gets person's actions that can be invoked
Type | Name | Schema |
Path | person_id required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Person actions fetched successfully | PersonActions |
404 | Person with given id does not exist | No Content |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 200¶
"available_actions" : {
"email_verification_resend" : true
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Activate a person¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/activate
Activates the person to make it possible to log in. There is no coupling made yet so to give possibility to an end user to login please us login methods (qr login, mobile login, action token login) which doesn't require coupling or couple the account with any identity provider (facebook, google, etc.)
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | person_id required |
Identifier of a person | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Person activated successfully | No Content |
400 | Person status in wrong state. Only person in CREATED state can be activated. | ErrorResponse |
404 | Person not found | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1061,
"error_message" : "Person status in wrong state. Only person in CREATED state can be activated."
Response 404¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The person API is not available"
Activate person account using code¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/activate/code
Activate a person's account using an externally delivered code. Additional information available in topic guide.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | body required |
The body contains an activation code that can be used to activate a person's profile | ActivatePersonRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful response | No Content |
400 | Failed response | No Content |
503 | Feature disabled | No Content |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request body¶
"activation_code" : "string"
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Missing field" : {
"error_code" : 1002,
"error_message" : "One or more required fields is missing"
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
"Person already activated" : {
"error_code" : 1045,
"error_message" : "Unable to activate person as it is in wrong state"
"Person is blocked" : {
"error_code" : 1009,
"error_message" : "Person is blocked"
"Invalid activation code value" : {
"error_code" : 1038,
"error_message" : "Invalid activation code value"
Activate person account using email¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/activate/email
Activate a person's account using an token send by email. Additional information available in topic guide.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | person_id required |
Identifier of a person for which account should be activated. | string |
Body | body required |
The body contains an activation code that can be used to activate person's profile | ActivatePersonRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful response | No Content |
400 | Failed response | No Content |
503 | Feature disabled | No Content |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request body¶
"activation_code" : "string"
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Missing field" : {
"error_code" : 1002,
"error_message" : "One or more required fields is missing"
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
"Person already activated" : {
"error_code" : 1045,
"error_message" : "Person already activated"
"Person is blocked" : {
"error_code" : 1009,
"error_message" : "Person is blocked"
"Invalid activation code value" : {
"error_code" : 1038,
"error_message" : "Invalid activation code value"
Delete person attribute¶
DELETE /api/persons/{person_id}/attributes/{attribute_name}
This endpoint can be used to nullify certain person attributes. Currently it supports the attributes 'gender' and 'date_of_birth'.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string |
Path | attribute_name required |
string | |
Path | person_id required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Attribute deleted successully | No Content |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1041,
"error_message" : "The request received by the server was invalid or malformed"
Response 404¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The registration API used to delete an identifier for a person is currently not available"
Block a person¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/block
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | Reason optional |
Optionally a reason can be specified why the person is blocked. This is done via a json object in the body of the request. When no reason is specified an empty JSON body is expected | Reason |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Person blocked successully | No Content |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
409 | Person already blocked | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"reason" : "Reason why person is blocked / deleted"
Example HTTP response¶
Response 404¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 409¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1014,
"error_message" : "Person is already blocked"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The registration API used to block a person is currently not available"
Set custom person attribute¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/custom-attributes
Identifiers for external systems are stored in the custom attributes container. A custom attributes objects contains a name and a value. The endpoint supports only one custom attribute at once. Custom attribute collection is supported by the endpoint: Update a person
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | CustomAttribute required |
The request has a JSON body containing a custom attribute object | CustomAttribute |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Attribute added successully | No Content |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
409 | Attribute already exists | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"name" : "myCRM",
"value" : "ABC123456"
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1002,
"error_message" : "One of the required parameters is missing or empty"
Response 404¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 409¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1004,
"error_message" : "This attribute already exists for this person"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The registration API used to add an identifier for a person is currently not available"
Update custom person attribute (or merge with ADD)¶
PUT /api/persons/{person_id}/custom-attributes
The endpoint supports only one custom attribute at once. Custom attribute collection is supported by the endpoint: Update a person
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | CustomAttribute required |
The request has a JSON body containing a custom attribute object | CustomAttribute |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Attribute updated successully | No Content |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"name" : "myCRM",
"value" : "ABC123456"
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1002,
"error_message" : "One of the required parameters is missing or empty"
Response 404¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The registration API used to update an identifier for a person is currently not available"
Delete custom person attribute¶
DELETE /api/persons/{person_id}/custom-attributes/{attribute_name}
To delete an identifier the system name is used to identify the custom attribute within the users custom attributes
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string |
Path | attribute_name required |
string | |
Path | person_id required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Attribute deleted successully | No Content |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 404¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The registration API used to delete an identifier for a person is currently not available"
Force password change on next sign in¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/force-password-change
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string |
Path | person_id required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Force password change has been applied. User will be prompted to change the password on next sign in. | No Content |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
409 | Password reset not possible | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 404¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 409¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1012,
"error_message" : "This person does not have a password"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The person API is currently not available"
Invite a person¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/invite
A person can be invited by its person_id. The method used to send the invitation is already set for a person
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | PersonInviteApiRequest optional |
Additional invite parameters (context) | PersonInviteApiRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 | Person invited successully | Person |
404 | Not found, blocked or incomplete | ErrorResponse |
409 | Person already connected | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"additional_parameters" : {
"param1" : "param1value",
"param2" : "param2value"
Example HTTP response¶
Response 201¶
"reference_id" : "08f831ab-a22f-4159-a851-15eec46c3717"
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
"Person is blocked" : {
"error_code" : 1009,
"error_message" : "Person is blocked"
"Person incomplete" : {
"error_code" : 1011,
"error_message" : "The person is missing one or more required attributes to send an invitation"
Response 409¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1010,
"error_message" : "The person already has connected identities"
Response 503¶
"Feature not available" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The registration API used to invite a person is currently not available"
"Invitation send failed" : {
"error_code" : 1008,
"error_message" : "Failed to send the invitation"
Change password for person¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/password-change
There are two actions which can be used in order to change user's password. First one, change password, requires user's current as well as new passwords to be provided within the API call. Second, set password, requires only new password and is intended to be used for service purposes by superusers
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | Body required |
The mechanism to encrypt the password is described in the documentation of the Password Encryption | Body |
Name | Description | Schema |
encryption_parameter required |
Initialization vector used by encryption algorithm Example : "BVLdWx//evkFUt1bH/96+Q==" |
string |
new_password required |
New user password [encrypted] Example : "o/MCR6uS/RAmOse1+3ngU6gjf/+r8h4xWw==" |
string |
password required |
Current user password [encrypted] Example : "o/MCR6uS/RAmOse1+3ngU6gjf/+r8h4xWw==" |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Password changed successully | No Content |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | ErrorResponse |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"password" : "o/MCR6uS/RAmOse1+3ngU6gjf/+r8h4xWw==",
"new_password" : "o/MCR6uS/RAmOse1+3ngU6gjf/+r8h4xWw==",
"encryption_parameter" : "BVLdWx//evkFUt1bH/96+Q=="
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Parameter missing" : {
"error_code" : 3001,
"error_message" : "A required body parameter is missing to set the password"
"Invalid encryption" : {
"error_code" : 3002,
"error_message" : "Invalid parameter encryption"
"Digit validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6001,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Digit count rule violation"
"Case validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6002,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Lower case char count rule violation"
"MaxLength validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6003,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Max password length rule violation"
"MinLength validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6004,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Min password length rule violation"
"Char validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6005,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Special char count rule violation"
"Case count validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6006,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Upper case char count rule violation"
"Case breached validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6007,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Breached password rule validation. Given password is found in a data Breach"
Response 401¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1019,
"error_message" : " Incorrect current user password"
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Trigger a password reset for a person¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/password-reset
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | RedirectUrl optional |
The request may contain optional JSON body. If the reset password request contains a redirect_url parameter, the user will be redirected to this URL after finishing the password reset procedure | RedirectUrl |
Name | Description | Schema |
redirect_url optional |
Example : "" |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Password reset successully triggered | No Content |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
409 | Password reset not possible | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"redirect_url" : ""
Example HTTP response¶
Response 404¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 409¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1012,
"error_message" : "This person does not have a password"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The support API is currently not available"
Fetch person profile¶
GET /api/persons/{person_id}/profile
Person profile can be fetched by providing person identifier
Type | Name | Schema |
Path | person_id required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Person coupled successully | Profile |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 200¶
"gender" : "M",
"name" : {
"first_name" : "John William",
"last_name" : "Doe",
"initials" : "J.W.D",
"display_name" : "Mr John W. Doe, Msc."
"date_of_birth" : "1995-05-24",
"email_addresses" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : false,
"value" : ""
} ],
"phone_numbers" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : true,
"value" : "+31 654 321 098"
} ],
"addresses" : [ {
"house_number" : 9,
"house_number_addition" : "2nd floor, 101",
"street_name" : "Main street",
"city" : "Woerden",
"postal_code" : "1000 AA, 12345-6789",
"region" : "Utrecht",
"country_code" : "NL",
"company_name" : "Onegini",
"attentation" : "John Doe",
"primary" : true
} ],
"custom_attributes" : [ {
"name" : "myCRM",
"value" : "ABC123456"
} ],
"preferred_locale" : "en_US",
"identity_assurance_level" : {
"value" : 1,
"source" : "string",
"last_update_time" : 1409145074367,
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 503¶
"Feature not supported" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The registration API used to fetch person information is currently not available"
Reset a person¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/reset
A person which already has an activated account can be deactivated via the reset person functionality. After a person is reset a new invitation can be send. The existing identities of the person will be removed
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | person_id required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Password reset successfully | No Content |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
409 | Conflict | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 404¶
"No person found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 409¶
"Code expired" : {
"error_code" : 1009,
"error_message" : "The person is blocked"
"Not activated" : {
"error_code" : 1016,
"error_message" : "The person is not activated"
"No birthday attribute" : {
"error_code" : 1017,
"error_message" : "The person does not have a birthday which is required to invite the person again"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The person API used to reset a person is currently not available"
Change password without current password verification¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/set-password
Set password endpoint, requires only new password and is intended to be used for service purposes by superusers
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | Body required |
The mechanism to encrypt the password is described in the documentation of the Password Encryption | Body |
Name | Description | Schema |
encryption_parameter required |
Initialization vector used by encryption algorithm Example : "BVLdWx//evkFUt1bH/96+Q==" |
string |
password required |
Current user password [encrypted] Example : "o/MCR6uS/RAmOse1+3ngU6gjf/+r8h4xWw==" |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Password changed successully | No Content |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"password" : "o/MCR6uS/RAmOse1+3ngU6gjf/+r8h4xWw==",
"encryption_parameter" : "BVLdWx//evkFUt1bH/96+Q=="
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Parameter missing" : {
"error_code" : 3001,
"error_message" : "A required body parameter is missing to set the password"
"Invalid encryption" : {
"error_code" : 3002,
"error_message" : "Invalid parameter encryption"
"Digit validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6001,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Digit count rule violation"
"Case validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6002,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Lower case char count rule violation"
"MaxLength validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6003,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Max password length rule violation"
"MinLength validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6004,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Min password length rule violation"
"Char validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6005,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Special char count rule violation"
"Case count validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6006,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Upper case char count rule violation"
"Case breached validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6007,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Breached password rule validation. Given password is found in a data Breach"
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Sign up a person¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/sign-up
After creating a person via API 1 Create Person, the account is not ready to use. In this Sign up call, the person's credentials are set and the account is activated. The mechanism to encrypt the password is described in the documentation of the Password Encryption. If person activation is enabled, person is not activated, activation code is generated. Password parameter is optional but only when account is already coupled with external identity.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | Body required |
The mechanism to encrypt the password is described in the documentation of the Password Encryption | Body |
Name | Description | Schema |
encryption_parameter required |
Example : "BVLdWx//evkFUt1bH/96+Q==" |
string |
password required |
Encrypted password. (In example 'P@ssword1' after encryption) Example : "o/MCR6uS/RAmOse1+3ngU6gjf/+r8h4xWw==" |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Person signed-up successully | No Content |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
409 | Conflict | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"password" : "o/MCR6uS/RAmOse1+3ngU6gjf/+r8h4xWw==",
"encryption_parameter" : "BVLdWx//evkFUt1bH/96+Q=="
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Parameter missing" : {
"error_code" : 3001,
"error_message" : "A required body parameter is missing to set the password"
"Invalid encryption" : {
"error_code" : 3002,
"error_message" : "Invalid parameter encryption"
"No password nor coupled" : {
"error_code" : 1051,
"error_message" : "Missing password parameter or account not coupled with external idp"
"Digit validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6001,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Digit count rule violation"
"Case validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6002,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Lower case char count rule violation"
"MaxLength validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6003,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Max password length rule violation"
"MinLength validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6004,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Min password length rule violation"
"Char validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6005,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Special char count rule violation"
"Case count validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6006,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Upper case char count rule violation"
"Case breached validation failed" : {
"error_code" : 6007,
"error_message" : "Password policy: Breached password rule validation. Given password is found in a data Breach"
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 409¶
"Code expired" : {
"error_code" : 1009,
"error_message" : "The person is blocked"
"Not activated" : {
"error_code" : 1010,
"error_message" : "The person is already activated"
Response 503¶
"Feature not supported" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The person API used to sign up a person is currently not available"
"UnP IdP disabled" : {
"error_code" : 3010,
"error_message" : "Username password IdP is not enabled"
Generate new Action Token for a person¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/tokens
Generate new Action Token for a person. Additional information can be found in topic guide
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | body required |
Action Token configuration | ActionTokenRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 | Successful response | LoginTokenResponse |
400 | bad input parameter | No Content |
503 | Feature disabled | No Content |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request body¶
"session_management_token" : "string",
"redirect_uri" : "string",
"actions" : [ {
"type" : "LOGIN",
"parameters" : "object"
} ],
"send_notification" : true
Example HTTP response¶
Response 201¶
"token" : "069e435522f03f780d986a7cf25ea66b",
"person_id" : "a10e844f-882f-4172-95c7-017217a1c738",
"redirect_uri" : "http://idp.core:8080/login/dashboard"
Response 400¶
"Required action missing" : {
"error_code" : 1033,
"error_message" : "Required token action is missing in request body"
"Unsupported action" : {
"error_code" : 1034,
"error_message" : "Unsupported action type in request body"
"Unsupported action parameter" : {
"error_code" : 1035,
"error_message" : "Unsupported configuration option for action in request body"
"Missing required action parameter" : {
"error_code" : 1036,
"error_message" : "Missing required action configuration parameter in request body"
"Session data not found" : {
"error_code" : 1037,
"error_message" : "Cannot find session data based on provided `session_management_token`"
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
"Identity Provider Invalid" : {
"error_code" : 1056,
"error_message" : "Identity provider does not exist or is disabled"
Response 503¶
"Action Token feature disabled" : {
"error_code" : 1028,
"error_message" : "Feature `action token login` disabled"
"Action Token app to web feature disabled" : {
"error_code" : 1060,
"error_message" : "Feature `action token app to web` disabled"
"Coupling Token feature disabled" : {
"error_code" : 1054,
"error_message" : "Feature `action token coupling` disabled"
"Token generation failed" : {
"error_code" : 1031,
"error_message" : "Action Token generation failed"
Revoke all Action Tokens for a person¶
DELETE /api/persons/{person_id}/tokens
Revoke all Actions tokens for a person
Type | Name | Schema |
Path | person_id required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful response | No Content |
400 | bad input parameter | No Content |
503 | Feature disabled | No Content |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Generate new Action token for a person (outdated)¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/tokens/login
Caution : operation.deprecated
Generate new Action token for a person (outdated)
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | person_id required |
Identifier of a person for which token should be generated | string |
Body | body optional |
Create Action token request details | LoginTokenRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 | Successful response | ActionTokenResponse |
400 | bad input parameter | No Content |
503 | Feature disabled | No Content |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request body¶
{ }
Example HTTP response¶
Response 201¶
"token" : "069e435522f03f780d986a7cf25ea66b",
"expire_at" : 1409145074369,
"person_id" : "2091f05b-2177-3ec8-8e1b-fdddbd5dc523"
Response 400¶
"Missing field" : {
"error_code" : 1002,
"error_message" : "One or more required fields is missing"
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Unblock a person¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/unblock
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | person_id required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Person unblocked successully | No Content |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
409 | Person not blocked | ErrorResponse |
503 | Feature not available | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 404¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Response 409¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1015,
"error_message" : "Person is not blocked"
Response 503¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1001,
"error_message" : "The registration API used to unblock a person is currently not available"
Initialize attribute verification¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/verification/{channel}/init
Initialize verification of an existing person's attribute for the selected channel
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | channel required |
either 'email' or 'mobile' | string |
Path | person_id required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Attribute verification initialized successfully | No Content |
400 | Bad Request | No Content |
404 | Person with given id does not exist | No Content |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Verification channel unknown" : {
"error_code" : 1069,
"error_message" : "Verification channel unknown or unsupported"
"Person channel verification unavailable" : {
"error_code" : 1070,
"error_message" : "Person channel not available for verification"
"Person channel already verified" : {
"error_code" : 1076,
"error_message" : "The person attribute verification initialization failed"
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Resend verification code for user¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/verification/{channel}/resend
Resend verification code for existing person via email or sms
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | channel required |
either 'email' or 'mobile' | string |
Path | person_id required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Verification code send successfully | No Content |
400 | Bad Request | No Content |
404 | Person with given id does not exist | No Content |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Verification channel unknown" : {
"error_code" : 1069,
"error_message" : "Verification channel unknown or unsupported"
"Person channel verification unavailable" : {
"error_code" : 1070,
"error_message" : "Person channel not available for verification"
"Person channel already verified" : {
"error_code" : 1071,
"error_message" : "Attribute is already verified"
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Verify user's code¶
POST /api/persons/{person_id}/verification/{channel}/{code}
Verify existing person attribute for the selected channel
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | channel required |
either 'email' or 'mobile' | string |
Path | code required |
a code that was delivered by the selected channel | string |
Path | person_id required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Verification code send successfully | No Content |
400 | Bad Request | No Content |
404 | Person with given id does not exist | No Content |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Verification channel unknown" : {
"error_code" : 1069,
"error_message" : "Verification channel unknown or unsupported"
"Person channel verification unavailable" : {
"error_code" : 1070,
"error_message" : "Person channel not available for verification"
"Person channel already verified" : {
"error_code" : 1076,
"error_message" : "The person attribute verification initialization failed"
"Attriubute verification code blocked" : {
"error_code" : 1077,
"error_message" : "Person attribute verification code blocked"
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
Verify if person is coupled¶
GET /api/v1/persons/couple/{identityProviderType}/{externalIdpId}
Caution : operation.deprecated
Checks if external identity provider id is already coupled for identity provider type
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | externalIdpId required |
Person identifier in external identity provider | string |
Path | identityProviderType required |
Identity provider type for which verification should be made | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Coupling for specified person and identity provider exists. | CoupledPerson |
404 | Coupling for specified person and identity provider does not exist. | ErrorResponse |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 200¶
"person_id" : "12345"
Response 404¶
"Coupling not found" : {
"error_code" : 1030,
"error_message" : "Person with given external identity provider id is not yet coupled with identity provider"
Search for persons v1¶
GET /api/v1/persons/search-profile
Caution : operation.deprecated
The endpoint allows to search for users by: - email address custom attribute - phone number - last modification date
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string | |
Header | X-Onegini-Persons-Partition-Id optional |
Partition id for the user to be validated, required when persons partitioning feature is enabled | string | |
Query | custom_attribute optional |
This will search for all persons with a custom attribute that has the name foo and value bar. Custom attributes are not unique, and therefore multiple persons can be returned. Parameter is required in case searching by custom attribute | string | |
Query | email_address optional |
Email or part of email address to search on. Parameter is required in case searching by email address attribute | string | |
Query | include_fields optional |
Comma delimited list of attributes that should be returned in the result. Possible values: - reference_id - email_addresses |
string | |
Query | last_modified optional |
Unix timestamp used to return attributes that have been changed after specified date. Parameter is required in case searching by last modification date | string | |
Query | limit optional |
Max number of items in the result | integer (int32) | 10 |
Query | offset optional |
Index of the first item in the result | integer (int32) | 0 |
Query | partial_match optional |
By default exact match will be used while searching, which result can contain at most 1 person. Set the partial_match request parameter to true for advanced lookup of a user. Example: /api/persons/search?email_address=johndoe&partial_match=true&offset=0&limit50 This method will first look up the person for the given email_address. If no person is found, it searches for all persons that have an email address that starts with the given email_address. For search term johndoe it returns the users with email addresses or but not This method can return multiple persons in the search result. |
boolean | "false" |
Query | phone_number optional |
Phone number must be normalized according to E.164 standard. Phone number must not contain spaces, dashes and any other additional characters. Phone number must contain country code and must start with + sign decoded for URL into %2. Parameter is required in case searching by phone number | string (E.164) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Search result | SearchResultSet |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 200¶
"resultSet" : [ {
"gender" : "M",
"name" : {
"first_name" : "John William",
"last_name" : "Doe",
"initials" : "J.W.D",
"display_name" : "Mr John W. Doe, Msc."
"date_of_birth" : "1995-05-24",
"email_addresses" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : false,
"value" : ""
} ],
"phone_numbers" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : true,
"value" : "+31 654 321 098"
} ],
"addresses" : [ {
"house_number" : 9,
"house_number_addition" : "2nd floor, 101",
"street_name" : "Main street",
"city" : "Woerden",
"postal_code" : "1000 AA, 12345-6789",
"region" : "Utrecht",
"country_code" : "NL",
"company_name" : "Onegini",
"attentation" : "John Doe",
"primary" : true
} ],
"custom_attributes" : [ {
"name" : "myCRM",
"value" : "ABC123456"
} ],
"preferred_locale" : "en_US",
"identity_assurance_level" : {
"value" : 1,
"source" : "string",
"last_update_time" : 1409145074367,
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
} ],
"pagination" : "object"
Response 400¶
"Invalid request parameters" : {
"error_code" : 2001,
"error_message" : "No or too many request parameters in this request"
"Custom attribute name missing" : {
"error_code" : 2002,
"error_message" : "Name of the custom attribute is missing in request parameter"
"Search term missing" : {
"error_code" : 2003,
"error_message" : "Search term is missing in the request"
Couple account with External IDP V1¶
POST /api/v1/persons/{person_id}/couple
Caution : operation.deprecated
API allows to couple idp account with external IDP. It requires to pass person identifier in the url and external IdP data required for coupling. Please note that since this endpoint is marked as deprecated it will not be extended with a support for autoActivation during coupling.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | Body required |
Body |
Name | Description | Schema |
external_person_id required |
Identifier of external IDP that should be coupled with Onegini IDP Example : "12345-12345-12345-12345" |
string |
idp_type required |
Idp type that should be coupled with account. It should have one of the idp types added in admin panel (Configuration -> Identity Providers), eg. google, facebook, kerberos Example : "kerberos" |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 | Person coupled successully | No Content |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
409 | Conflict | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"idp_type" : "kerberos",
"external_person_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
Example HTTP response¶
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
"IdP not found" : {
"error_code" : 1020,
"error_message" : " No idp can be found based on the specified information"
Response 409¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1021,
"error_message" : "External id already linked with given idp"
Verify if person is coupled¶
GET /api/v2/persons/couple/{identityProviderId}/{externalIdpId}
Checks if external identity is already coupled for identity provider id
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | externalIdpId required |
Person identifier in external identity provider | string |
Path | identityProviderId required |
Identity provider id for which verification should be made | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Coupling for specified person and identity provider exists. | CoupledPerson |
404 | Coupling for specified person and identity provider does not exist. | ErrorResponse |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 200¶
"person_id" : "12345"
Response 404¶
"Coupling not found" : {
"error_code" : 1030,
"error_message" : "Person with given external identity provider id is not yet coupled with identity provider"
Search for persons v2¶
GET /api/v2/persons/search
The endpoint allows to search for users by: - email address custom attribute - phone number - last modification date
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string | |
Query | custom_attribute optional |
Custom attribute of person to search. This should be passed as name:value pair. Example custom_attribute=attr_name:searched_value. This param can be used multiple times to pass list of criterion. This parameter is required if other search terms are not present in the query | string | |
Query | email optional |
Email address of person to search. Parameter is required in case of searching by email/username. This param can be used multiple times to pass list of criterion. This parameter is required if other search terms are not present in the query | string | |
Query | last_modified optional |
Unix timestamp used to return attributes that have been changed after specified date. Parameter is required in case searching by last modification date | string | |
Query | limit optional |
Max number of items in the result | integer (int32) | |
Query | offset optional |
Index of the first item in the result | integer (int32) | |
Query | order_by optional |
Use this parameter to receive search results sorted by given field. Allowed values are email , phone_number , last_modified . By default last_modified is applied |
string | |
Query | partial_match optional |
By default exact match will be used while searching, switching this parameter to true will perform 'LIKE' searches for the given parameters. Please note that this may affect performance of your search | boolean | "false" |
Query | phone_number optional |
Phone number of person to search. If partial search is not enabled, phone number must be normalized according to E.164 standard, meaning it must not contain spaces, dashes and any other additional characters, must contain country code and must start with + sign decoded for URL into %2. Parameter is required in case searching by phone number. This param can be used multiple times to pass list of criterion. This parameter is required if other search terms are not present in the query | string (E.164) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Person search successully triggered | SearchResultSetPersonDetails |
400 | Bad request | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 200¶
"resultSet" : [ {
"person_id" : "08f831ab-a22f-4159-a851-15eec46c3717",
"profile" : {
"gender" : "M",
"name" : {
"first_name" : "John William",
"last_name" : "Doe",
"initials" : "J.W.D",
"display_name" : "Mr John W. Doe, Msc."
"date_of_birth" : "1995-05-24",
"email_addresses" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : false,
"value" : ""
} ],
"phone_numbers" : [ {
"primary" : true,
"verified" : true,
"value" : "+31 654 321 098"
} ],
"addresses" : [ {
"house_number" : 9,
"house_number_addition" : "2nd floor, 101",
"street_name" : "Main street",
"city" : "Woerden",
"postal_code" : "1000 AA, 12345-6789",
"region" : "Utrecht",
"country_code" : "NL",
"company_name" : "Onegini",
"attentation" : "John Doe",
"primary" : true
} ],
"custom_attributes" : [ {
"name" : "myCRM",
"value" : "ABC123456"
} ],
"preferred_locale" : "en_US",
"identity_assurance_level" : {
"value" : 1,
"source" : "string",
"last_update_time" : 1409145074367,
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
"events" : [ {
"event_identifier" : "08f831ab-a22f-4159-a851-15eec46c3717",
"person_id" : "08f831ab-a22f-4159-a851-15eec46c3717",
"occurred" : 1409145076543,
"event_type" : "person.PersonCreatedEvent",
"event_name" : "Person Created",
"client_ip" : "",
"user_agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0"
} ],
"creation_date" : 1409145074367,
"status" : "ACTIVATED",
"last_login" : 1409145074369,
"logins" : 25,
"identities" : [ {
"id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345",
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345",
"name" : "Username & Password",
"status" : "ACTIVATED",
"last_login" : 1409145074367,
"coupling_time" : 1499115184236
} ],
"partitionId" : "default",
"identity_assurance_level" : {
"value" : 1,
"source" : "string",
"last_update_time" : 1409145074367,
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
} ],
"pagination" : "object"
Response 400¶
"Custom attribute name missing" : {
"error_code" : 2002,
"error_message" : "Name of the custom attribute is missing in request parameter"
"Search term missing" : {
"error_code" : 2003,
"error_message" : "Search term is missing in the request"
Couple account with External IDP V2¶
POST /api/v2/persons/{person_id}/couple
API allows to couple idp account with external IDP. It requires to pass person identifier in the url and external IdP data required for coupling. This endpoint support autoActivation which means that the person account will get activated automatically in case it is currently in INACTIVE state and specified external Identity Provider has autoActivation feature enabled.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | Body required |
Body |
Name | Description | Schema |
external_person_id required |
Identifier of external IDP that should be coupled with Onegini IDP Example : "12345-12345-12345-12345" |
string |
idp_id required |
Idp id that should be coupled with account. This can be obtained using Identity Providers Config API Example : "12345-12345-12345-12345" |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 | Person coupled successully | No Content |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
409 | Conflict | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345",
"external_person_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
Example HTTP response¶
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
"IdP not found" : {
"error_code" : 1020,
"error_message" : "No idp can be found based on the specified information"
Response 409¶
"Response" : {
"error_code" : 1021,
"error_message" : "External id already linked with given idp"
Decouple account from External IDP¶
POST /api/v2/persons/{person_id}/decouple
API allows to decouple idp account from external IDP. It requires to pass person identifier in the url and external IdP data required for decoupling
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | person_id required |
string | |
Body | Body required |
Body |
Name | Description | Schema |
external_person_id required |
Person's identifier from external identity provider that should be coupled with Onegini CIM Example : "12345-12345-12345-12345" |
string |
idp_id required |
Idp id that should be coupled with account. This can be obtained using Identity Providers Config API Example : "12345-12345-12345-12345" |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Person decoupled successully | No Content |
400 | Bad Request | ErrorResponse |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Request body¶
"idp_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345",
"external_person_id" : "12345-12345-12345-12345"
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Decoupling disabled" : {
"error_code" : 1067,
"error_message" : "Decoupling for given identity provider is disabled"
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
"IdP not found" : {
"error_code" : 1020,
"error_message" : "No idp can be found based on the specified information"
"Coupling not found" : {
"error_code" : 1061,
"error_message" : "Provided external identity is not coupled with given person"
Remove identity from account (decoupling V3)¶
DELETE /api/v3/persons/{person_id}/identities/{identity_id}
API allows to remove external identity from account. It requires to pass person identifier and identity identifier in the url
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | X-Onegini-Flow-Context-Params optional |
Additional flow context parameters. Allowed format is "key1=value1;key2=value2" |
string |
Path | identity_id required |
string | |
Path | person_id required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Person decoupled successfully | No Content |
400 | Bad Request | ErrorResponse |
404 | Not found | ErrorResponse |
Type | Name |
basic | basic_auth |
Example HTTP request¶
Request path¶
Request header¶
Example HTTP response¶
Response 400¶
"Decoupling disabled" : {
"error_code" : 1067,
"error_message" : "Decoupling for given identity provider is disabled"
Response 404¶
"Person not found" : {
"error_code" : 1006,
"error_message" : "No person can be found based on the specified identifier"
"Identity not found" : {
"error_code" : 1072,
"error_message" : "No identity can be found based on the specified information"
"IdP not found" : {
"error_code" : 1020,
"error_message" : "No idp can be found based on the specified information"
"Coupling not found" : {
"error_code" : 1061,
"error_message" : "Provided external identity is not coupled with given person"
Name | Description | Schema |
actions optional |
Minimum LOGIN action need to be defined, other actions are optional Example : [ "[tokenaction](#tokenaction)" ] |
< TokenAction > array |
redirect_uri optional |
Used to redirect user to specific uri after action token is posted to CIM Example : "string" |
string |
send_notification optional |
Flag that indicates if email with generated token should be send to the user Example : true |
boolean |
session_management_token optional |
Session management token. Same as we use in /api/session Example : "string" |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
expire_at optional |
Example : 1409145074369 |
integer (int64) |
person_id optional |
Person Id from IDP or reference id returned from extension if exists Example : "2091f05b-2177-3ec8-8e1b-fdddbd5dc523" |
string |
token optional |
Example : "069e435522f03f780d986a7cf25ea66b" |
string |
Contains information required to activate the account.
Name | Description | Schema |
activation_code optional |
Code used to activate the account Example : "string" |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
attentation optional |
'To attention of' field Example : "John Doe" |
string |
city optional |
Name of the city Example : "Woerden" |
string |
company_name optional |
Name of the company Example : "Onegini" |
string |
country_code optional |
Country code Example : "NL" |
string |
house_number optional |
Numeric part of the house number Example : 9 |
integer |
house_number_addition optional |
Any addition that further clarifies the house number Example : "2nd floor, 101" |
string |
postal_code optional |
Postal code Example : "1000 AA, 12345-6789" |
string |
primary optional |
Flag to indicate whether this is the primary person's address Example : true |
boolean |
region optional |
Name of the region, province or state Example : "Utrecht" |
string |
street_name optional |
Name of the street Example : "Main street" |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
person_id optional |
Example : "12345" |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
name optional |
Attribute name Example : "myCRM" |
string |
value optional |
Attribute value Example : "ABC123456" |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
primary optional |
Flag to indicate whether this is the primary person's email address Example : true |
boolean |
value optional |
Email address value Example : "" |
string (email) |
verified optional |
An optional flag to indicate whether this email address has been verified Example : false |
boolean |
Name | Description | Schema |
error_code optional |
Example : 1001 |
integer (int32) |
error_message optional |
Example : "Requested feature is currently not available" |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
client_ip optional |
Example : "" |
string (ip) |
event_identifier optional |
Example : "[identifier](#identifier)" |
Identifier |
event_name optional |
A more descriptive name that denotes what kind of event happened Example : "Person Created" |
string |
event_type optional |
The type of event that happened Example : "person.PersonCreatedEvent" |
string |
occurred optional |
Example : 1409145076543 |
integer (int64) |
person_id optional |
Example : "[identifier](#identifier)" |
Identifier |
user_agent optional |
The full user_agent header coming from the browser of the end-user Example : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0" |
string |
The gender of the person. Possible values: M (male), F (female), U (undefined)
Type : enum (M, F, U)
Type : string (uuid)
The Identity Assurance Level of a user. Update person via PersonAPI can change IAL level. Provided range should be higher than the currently assigned to the user. If default value is 1 for example, than 2, 3 or 4 can be set.
Name | Description | Schema |
idp_id optional |
The identifier of IdP if source is LOGIN_METHOD Example : "12345-12345-12345-12345" |
string |
last_update_time optional |
Describes when IAL value was set Example : 1409145074367 |
integer (int64) |
source optional |
Describes how IAL value was set Example : "string" |
value optional |
The Identity Assurance Level (IAL) value of a person Example : 1 |
integer |
Name | Description | Schema |
external_person_id optional |
Person's identifier from external identity provider that should be coupled with Onegini CIM Example : "12345-12345-12345-12345" |
string |
idp_type optional |
Idp type that should be coupled with account. It should have one of the idp types added in admin panel (Configuration -> Identity Providers), eg. google, facebook, kerberos Example : "kerberos" |
string |
Type : object
Name | Description | Schema |
person_id optional |
Person's identifier that is eligible for consuming action token Example : "a10e844f-882f-4172-95c7-017217a1c738" |
string |
redirect_uri optional |
Redirect uri where person will be redirected to after consuming the action token Example : "http://idp.core:8080/login/dashboard" |
string |
token optional |
Action token's value Example : "069e435522f03f780d986a7cf25ea66b" |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
display_name optional |
Displayed name, e.g. Mr John W. Doe, MSc. If no displayName is specified, firstName + lastName is returned Example : "Mr John W. Doe, Msc." |
string |
first_name optional |
Person first name(s) Example : "John William" |
string |
initials optional |
Person initials Example : "J.W.D" |
string |
last_name optional |
Person last name Example : "Doe" |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
reference_id optional |
Example : "[identifier](#identifier)" |
Identifier |
Name | Description | Schema |
available_actions required |
Example : "[personavailableactions](#personavailableactions)" |
PersonAvailableActions |
Name | Description | Schema |
email_verification_resend required |
Indicate if email verification resend action can be performed on this person Example : true |
boolean |
Name | Description | Schema |
creation_date optional |
The time that this person was created. epoch from 1-1-1970 Example : 1409145074367 |
integer (int64) |
events optional |
Example : [ "[eventinfo](#eventinfo)" ] |
< EventInfo > array |
identities optional |
Example : [ "[personidentity](#personidentity)" ] |
< PersonIdentity > array |
identity_assurance_level optional |
Example : "[identityassurancelevel](#identityassurancelevel)" |
IdentityAssuranceLevel |
last_login optional |
The time that the user last logged in to the Onegini IDP dashboard. epoch from 1-1-1970 Example : 1409145074369 |
integer (int64) |
logins optional |
Example : 25 |
integer |
partitionId optional |
The partition of this person Example : "default" |
string |
person_id optional |
Example : "[identifier](#identifier)" |
Identifier |
profile optional |
Example : "[profile](#profile)" |
Profile |
status optional |
The status of this person or identity provider. Possible values: CREATED, INVITED, ACTIVATED, BLOCKED Example : "ACTIVATED" |
Name | Description | Schema |
coupling_time optional |
Example : 1499115184236 |
integer (int64) |
id optional |
Example : "12345-12345-12345-12345" |
string |
idp_id optional |
Example : "12345-12345-12345-12345" |
string |
last_login optional |
Example : 1409145074367 |
integer (int64) |
name optional |
Example : "Username & Password" |
string |
status optional |
Example : "ACTIVATED" |
Name | Description | Schema |
additional_parameters required |
Additional invitation parameters (context) Example : {<br> "param1" : "param1value",<br> "param2" : "param2value"<br>} |
object |
Name | Description | Schema |
primary optional |
Flag to indicate whether this is the primary person's phone number Example : true |
boolean |
value optional |
Phone number value Example : "+31 654 321 098" |
string (email) |
verified optional |
An optional flag to indicate whether this phone number has been verified Example : true |
boolean |
Name | Description | Schema |
addresses optional |
Collection of person's (postal) addresses, can be empty Example : [ "[address](#address)" ] |
< Address > array |
custom_attributes optional |
Collection of person's custom attributes, can be empty Example : [ "[customattribute](#customattribute)" ] |
< CustomAttribute > array |
date_of_birth optional |
Timezone independent representation of a birth date Example : "1995-05-24" |
string |
email_addresses required |
Collection of person's email addresses. Profile must contain at least one email address attribute Example : [ "[emailaddress](#emailaddress)" ] |
< EmailAddress > array |
gender optional |
Example : "[gender](#gender)" |
Gender |
identity_assurance_level optional |
Example : "[identityassurancelevel](#identityassurancelevel)" |
IdentityAssuranceLevel |
name optional |
Example : "[name](#name)" |
Name |
phone_numbers optional |
Collection of person's phone numbers, can be empty Example : [ "[phonenumber](#phonenumber)" ] |
< PhoneNumber > array |
preferred_locale optional |
Preferred locale Example : "en_US" |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
reason optional |
Example : "Reason why person is blocked / deleted" |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
pagination optional |
Example : "object" |
pagination |
resultSet optional |
Example : [ "[profile](#profile)" ] |
< Profile > array |
Name | Description | Schema |
offset optional |
Example : 0 |
integer (int32) |
pageSize optional |
Example : 0 |
integer (int32) |
totalResults optional |
Example : 1 |
integer (int32) |
Name | Description | Schema |
pagination optional |
Example : "object" |
pagination |
resultSet optional |
Example : [ "[persondetails](#persondetails)" ] |
< PersonDetails > array |
Name | Description | Schema |
offset optional |
Example : 0 |
integer (int32) |
pageSize optional |
Example : 0 |
integer (int32) |
totalResults optional |
Example : 1 |
integer (int32) |
Name | Description | Schema |
email required |
Email to search Example : "" |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
person_id optional |
Person Id from IDP or reference id returned from extension if exists Example : "2091f05b-2177-3ec8-8e1b-fdddbd5dc523" |
string |
status required |
Search status for particular email Example : "string" |
Name | Description | Schema |
parameters optional |
Action configuration parameters Example : "object" |
object |
type required |
Type of action Example : "LOGIN" |
Type : basic